
Louis Vuitton Duomo Replica Handbags

Duomo, is a generic Italian term for a cathedral church, meaning house. This season, Louis Vuitton launched a city bag named from this historic shopping district in Replica Marc Jacobs Handbags Florence, Italy. It is Duomo bag.If you consider deeply what the relationship between the Duomo of Florence and Louis Vuitton Duomo, I think it is beauty and fame. The Duomo of Florence is honored as the "Gates of Paradise". You will be struck by its color and rich patterning of the exterior, and its vastness and the sobriety of the interior furnishings. The Duomo of Florence was built with public funds as a "state church", and important works of art in the side aisles constitute a "civic program" honoring illustrious men. That is just what Louis Vuitton Duomo wants to give us.The sumptuous Damier canvas, the quality craftsmanship, and the shiny golden brass pieces, everything is so charismatic and superlative. The luxurious silhouette firstly gives people material comforts. Then the red textile lining, the interior flat pocket and cell phone pocket bring customers majestic feeling and functional using. To imitate the vintage style, Louis Vuitton matches a golden Replica Alexander Wang Handbags padlock with keys held on brown leather. Each detail design exquisitely and considerately. That is really inherits the spirit of the Duomo of Florence. It is the work of arts.Measuring as 12.6 inches in length, 7.5 inches in width, and 6.3 inches in height, it is versatile for daily using and sexy clothing weekend travel to put in all your Bags belongings. If you are a Louis Vuitton fashionista, please order it in your collection list and get it in your wardrobe.

