HistoryHo model trains first appeared in England in the 1930’s. Their popularity there did not grow. However, in the United States they took off. By the 1950’s there popularity was well established. Many model railroad enthusiasts appreciated the ability to build a more realistic railroad in a smaller space because of the smaller HO size than other popular model train scales of the time. This brought about an emphasis on more detail and a grater appeal for adults. Adults wanted to avoid the stigma of playing with toys and appreciated the challenge of creating realistic layouts in a limited amount of space. By the 1960’s HO scale began to overtake the O scale in popularity and today it is the most popular scale in both the US and continental Europe. The realistic 2-rail track with numerous realistic railroad ties is another reason for the popularity of the size. Even manufactures of other popular scales such as Gilbert (American Flyer) and Lionel started to make trains in the HO scale. Today numerous model train manufacturers supply a large variety of locomotives, scenery, and accessories in this popular scale at a variety of prices.The Ho model train scale ratio is 1:87 or 1 inch to every 87 inches of the real prototype it is modeled after. This scale is remote control helicopter about one half the size of its predecessor the O scale and is called HO or short for half O.ControllersThe power for the electric locomotives is supplied by DC current that is supplied by a transformer that reduces normal 120-volt house current to an operating range of 6 to 18 volts. The transformer contains a rectifier that changes AC (alternating) house current to DC (direct current) with a rheostat that can increase or decrease the voltage and thereby the speed of the locomotive. Changing the polarity changes the direction of the locomotive. At first larger HO model train layouts were controlled by playstation 3 wholesale multiple power packs. Various layout sections are electrically isolated into “Blocks”. The power packs that power a particular block are selected by toggle or rotary switches. The newest addition to regulating and supplying power to the locomotives is called DCC (Digital Command Control) DCC power packs supply power to the track and each locomotive has a decoder. Using a computerized controller each locomotive can be controlled separately without the use of “blocks”.TrackStandards for the scale and gauge are set by NMRA (National Model Railroad Association) in the US and NEM (Normal European Modelling Standards) in Europe. The standard HO gauge has .63 inches between the rails Nine Eagles 260A and the most common rail heights are code 83 and code 100, which represents .083 inch and .1 inch height respectively. Atlas is the most popular HO scale track manufacturer in the US. It offers a variety of track sections in sizes such as 9 inch straight, and 15 in., 18in., and 22 in. radii curved sections.